Adams Electric works with its members to reduce the demand for electricity during times when the demand and cost of electricity is the highest. This is done mainly by asking members to allow the cooperative to shift electricity use for their electric water heaters to off-peak times. The cooperative works with members to allow an interruptible switch to be installed free of charges (a $215-value) on their electric water heaters and earn a monthly bill credit on the energy supply portion of their bill. Rebates are available to those who allow a new U-Shift switch to be installed on their electric water heater. Sign me up!

U-Take the Credit: Have a U-Shift switch installed free of charge on your electric water heater and receive an ongoing bill credit. This credit is up $10 per month on the energy supply portion of your bill for an interruptible water heater or up to $5 per month for a heat pump water heater on the energy supply portion of your bill.