ADAMS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. is committed to providing the most reliable power at the lowest reasonable cost for service. Your board of directors works diligently to minimize rate increases. To ensure the financial stability of the cooperative, your board voted in November 2024 to raise rates Jan. 1, 2025.
For the average residential consumer-member who uses 1,250 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per month and is served under rate class RES-01, this will amount to an increase of about $9.75 a month. This 5.2% increase may be lower or higher, depending on your individual electric usage and rate classification with the cooperative. Even with this adjustment, the co-op’s rates are comparable to or below other neighboring utilities, which are experiencing much higher increases. Members are always encouraged to consider how they can reduce their own energy expenses to save on their electric bills. The cooperative offers tips for saving energy on and can also provide printed resources on energy efficiency incentives and money-saving programs, like U-Shift, U-$ave.
The rate adjustment will first appear on your February billing statement and includes an increase in both energy supply and distribution. In simple terms, the energy charge is the cost for electricity being generated, or purchased, and delivered to the cooperative. This is directly passed through to the membership with no mark-up.
The wholesale power cost adjustment, which the co-op uses each year to re-balance the over- or under-collection of energy charges for the previous year’s billed amount, is decreasing to $0.001 per kWh per month.
The distribution charges correlate to the cost of delivering electricity from the co-op to each member home, in addition to the cost of maintaining reliable poles, wires and equipment. The monthly access charge will increase by about $2.25 per month and reflects the costs the co-op incurs to maintain the equipment connected to your home, regardless of how much electricity you use regularly. The per-kWh charge will increase to $0.033 per month. The storm reserve is holding steady at $1.25 per month
2024 and 2025 Rate Comparison
What Impacts My Bill?
What factors have an impact on the bottom line of your electricity bill and how can you manage it?